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3 Things You Need to Know Before Going Camping

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In 2021, 57 million American households went camping, setting a new record for the industry. And it’s for a good reason that so many are exploring this activity. There are many health benefits of going camping, including exercise, reduced stress, the ability to build relationships, and more.

But before you run off on your outdoor adventure, there are some camping tips you need to know. So, let’s dive into these essential tips for going camping to help you prepare for your upcoming trip.

1. Make a Camping Gear Essentials List

Pre-planning is vital for camping and ensures you don’t have any mishaps. When you’re at a campsite, running out to get supplies you’ve forgotten can be challenging or next to impossible. 

Thus, making a camping checklist with everything you need is a must. Items to put down include:

  • Sleeping gear (i.e., tent, sleeping bag, pillows)
  • Campsite needs (i.e., lights, headlamps, portable charger, power bank)
  • Furniture (i.e., camping chairs, table)
  • Kitchen supplies (i.e., plates, utensils, pans)
  • Hygiene items and toiletries
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Personal belongings like your phone, wallet, and car keys

If camping with pets or children, you may need additional supplies to accommodate their needs. For instance, if you have young kids, you might want to pack their favorite toy or snack if you’re bringing your dog, including its leash, collar, and water bowl. Yes, travelling light is beneficial.

However, you won’t know what you need until you’ve gone camping a few times. Never believe anyone who tells you that you have too much luggage. Until you can create your personalized list of things to pack, it’s OK to be ready for any eventuality. Everyone’s list will look different, so in case you forget to put something on it the first time.

2. Learn How to Pitch a Tent

If this is your first camping trip, you must learn how to pitch your tent before your trip. You don’t want to arrive at the campsite and have no idea what you’re doing. Even experienced campers with new gear should always test their equipment at home first. Because every tent is different, the best advice is to have patience and read the directions carefully.

By testing your equipment at home, you’ll have no problem setting up the tent once you arrive. For spring, summer, and fall weather, a lightweight three-season tent is built to keep occupants dry during light snowfall or rain while keeping insects at bay. Choose a mountaineering tent that can survive inclement weather if a winter camping trip is in the works.

Consider renting a fire tower if sleeping in a tent isn’t your thing. fire tower rentals are available at several parks from the US Forest Service since they are no longer used for fire detection. Plus, when renting a fire tower, you’ll have an unbelievable view of the wilderness below.

3. Know How to Build a Campfire

One of the best parts of camping is sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows, singing songs, and enjoying each other’s company. But building a campfire takes some skill. First, you’ll need to gather fuel to start to fire.

Finally, it would help if you had more significant pieces of wood for fuel. Always confirm that campfires are permitted before lighting one, and if they are, use fire rings. Keep some water and sand close by if a fire needs to be extinguished immediately. Depending on its purpose, you can choose a few fire-starting methods to start your fire. Familiarize yourself with these methods to help create a campfire in no time! 

Going Camping? Now You’re Ready

With these essential tips, you know you’ll have an excellent time regardless of where you’re going camping and with whom. Now, it’s time to relax and be free. If you learned how to go camping with this guide, check out the rest of the blog for more helpful content and tips.

Camping is partly enjoyable because it requires little equipment to survive in nature. But having a cozy, practical, and comfy campground is also good. It might be best to borrow or rent some of these items if this will be your first-time camping. As you gain camping experience, you might discover that part of the fun is deciding what to pack to suit your needs.

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