Digital Marketing

Guidance For You In What Is Content Marketing

content marketing

As a business owner, you may have wondered what content marketing is. Content marketing has managed to position itself in recent years as one of the most necessary aspects of marketing for companies to make themselves known, generate web traffic, and create new business opportunities.

Therefore, the primary purpose of this article is to make it clear to you what content marketing is, what it is for, how you can start applying it to your company and examples of content marketing to provide you with everything you need to know about this important marketing concept. 

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What exactly is content marketing? And how does it Professionally

Definition: Content marketing is a marketing technique that focuses on creating, publishing and distributing relevant, coherent, attractive and engaging content to attract and retain our target audience.

It is essential to be clear about our target audience to put this technique into practice. It is a severe mistake to create content without considering who it is addressed. Therefore, sit down and define the profile of your ideal client, and from there, developing your content marketing strategy will be much easier.

After defining it, it will be time to define the strategy and planning of the contents. To do this, you must consider that the content will always have to respond to the needs and problems of your ideal client. Only then can you build an effective strategy.

It would help if you also defined the frequency of publishing the content. Remember that you don’t have to post every day. Focus more on spending time creating quality content that has an impact.

Content marketing is the marketing technique

To make the concept of content marketing clear, we explain it to you in a more straightforward way:

Content marketing is the marketing technique we create attractive content for our audience to attract them to our channels. Once they are interested in us, we can start doing some commercial activity.

For example, if your company is dedicated to natural cosmetics, you could create a content marketing strategy based on educating about the benefits of natural cosmetics on the skin. It would be:

  • Blog Article: “5 Ways Using Natural Cosmetics Changed My Skin”.
  • Video: “How to make a homemade Kiwi face mask”.
  • Infographic: “Vitamins that natural cosmetics provide to your face”.

So, for example, in the “5 Ways Using Natural Cosmetics Changed My Skin” article. Sit suppose we include in the content.

“I felt very insecure when trying natural cosmetics for the first time. I started by applying the Olay argan oil mask 3 times a week and little by little I noticed how my skin looked less dry and porous each time….”.

Take advantage of this phrase to place a link to your product in “Olay Argan Oil”. It would be an example of content marketing with a strategy behind it. Redirect people to our Argan Oil product page.

Content marketing is the backbone of what is known today as inbound marketing. Therefore, before you start doing marketing, ask yourself why you will do it and what will happen after a potential client reads about you.

Will you capture their data with a form? Will you make them subscribe to the newsletter? Think first and then decide. Will you have them request a sample of your product? Will you carry out marketing campaigns for those who have read your content? 

How to get Benefit from Content Writing

Content marketing is the best way to build a strong, lasting and trusting relationship with your customers (current and potential). It is to share with them content that offers quality added value.

Content marketing allows you to attract and capture customers more intelligently than the traditional one. Helping you and your company to get out of the pattern of “ME”, “ME”, “AND ONLY ME” and “MY PRODUCT”, and start talking about topics that interest your target audience.

If we are sensible, the human eye and ear automatically ignore what sounds promotional. Therefore, content is your best ally to stand out and get your target audience to read and be interested in you and your brand more intelligently and indirectly.

Help you save cost. It helps you with the SEO of your website. And above all, it helps you build a strong brand image.

As an entrepreneur, you may not see the value of content. Still, it is a technique that will undoubtedly bring you benefits in the medium term and allow you to save marketing costs in the medium and long term.

At the same time, obtaining new clients without using traditional marketing methods is often annoying for people.

Content Marketing Examples

Content marketing comes in different sizes and formats. Here are the different formats you can count on in your marketing strategy:

  1. blog articles
  2. Press releases
  3. Images with texts
  4. downloadable guides
  5. Ebooks
  6. Whitepapers
  7. Video tutorials
  8. Podcasts
  9. infographics

It is necessary to make a mix of the types of content. This way, we don’t tire our audience with the same format. Choose the formats that best suit what you do.

Nor is it necessary to create content using all of them. Over time you will realize which ones have the most significant impact on your market niche.


From Epha Tech, Digital Marketing Agency, we hope you have understood what content marketing is and how you can start using it in your company and your marketing strategy.

If you have questions about content or need support in the strategy for your company, contact us, and we will help you develop a winning strategy and execute it.

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