
3 Simple Ways to Look and Feel Healthier

happiness health

As we age, our bodies naturally start to deteriorate. It is part of the usual circle of life. However, it doesn’t mean you have to go through feeling old and worn down for the rest of your life. There are ways to rejuvenate your health to look and feel better.

The Relationship Between Health and Happiness

There’s a strong correlation between health and happiness – and it goes both ways. Happy people tend to be healthier, while healthy people tend to be more comfortable. And while researchers have long taken sides on which one causes the other, it’s ultimately a “chicken and egg” type of dilemma. 

This much we do know is true: both factors influence each other in what appears to be a self-feeding cycle. In other words, the happier you are, the more healthy you’ll tend to become. And the fitter you become, the more your happiness increases, which you get the idea.

Economic Determinants of Happiness

According to a study titled Economic Determinants of Happiness, self-described healthy people are 20 percent happier than average. Conversely, unhealthy individuals are 8.25 percent less content. Interestingly enough, individuals in the highest income bracket are just 3.5 percent more satisfied than average. Health is five- to six times more important for happiness than money.

Looking at this relationship from the other direction, this study shows that happy people eat healthier diets with more oversized intakes of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Another study of 7,000 adults shows that people with “positive well-being” are 47 percent more likely to eat healthy diets than their “less positive” counterparts.

Tips for Looking and Feeling Healthier

It doesn’t matter which one comes first. If you want to live well, you need to prioritize health and happiness. Everything else will take care of itself. With this in mind, here are several suggestions for improving how you look and feel:

Eat the Rainbow

Not sure which diet to follow or who to trust for nutrition advice? The best rule of thumb is to eliminate as many processed foods as you can and make your diet as colorful as possible. The brighter and more eclectic your fruits and vegetables are, the more loaded with antioxidants and other vital nutrients. Studies have even proven people who eat lots of yellow and orange foods have healthier skin and are rated as more attractive than average.

Be Proactive With Hair Loss

While hair loss typically isn’t a sign of any severe health issues, it’s undoubtedly a point of embarrassment and shame for many people. Thus, the more proactive you are in dealing with hair loss, the happier you’ll be. 

Laser therapy is one of the best methods for safely regrowing hair follicles. It involves the use of laser caps that stimulate hair follicles currently in the telogen/resting phase and encourage them to enter back into the anagen/growth phase. Laser caps can be safely and painlessly used at home with 30-minute treatment sessions every other day. 

Exercise Daily

Exercise plays an essential role in heart health and weight loss, but did you know that it’s also a key driving factor in your overall happiness?

“According to a new review of research about good moods and physical activity, people who work out even once a week or for as little as 10 minutes a day tend to be more cheerful than those who never exercise,” Gretchen Reynolds writes for The New York Times. “And any type of exercise may be helpful.”

Research shows that exercise lowers feelings of depression and anxiety while also producing a flood of serotonin and endorphins (which are directly linked to feelings of happiness).

Adding it All Up

There’s a clear connection between health and happiness. By prioritizing one, you can increase the other. And the longer you make intelligent decisions, and the more this self-feeding cycle will improve your life and longevity. So don’t wait any longer – start making smart decisions today.

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