
Rise and Shine: Tips for Motivating Yourself to Work Out in the Morning

Motivation for Early Morning Workout Routines

Morning may be the best time to work out since it has numerous benefits like increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced productivity throughout the day. It makes you feel good and for those of you who have a busy day schedule, there may not be another time to schedule your exercise other than in the morning. But exercising first thing after you wake up is easier said than done. It requires a bit of motivation to drag yourself off from your comfortable bed and start working out.

In this blog, we’ll help you out with a few amazing tips to help you find the motivation to work out in the morning and set yourself up for a successful day.

Tips To Motivate Yourself For Morning Workouts

Start Planning The Night Before 

The key to a successful early morning workout routine begins the night before. Lay out your workout clothes, fill up your water bottle, and have your gym bag packed and ready to go. This way when you wake up in the morning, you’ll see your preparations and your mind will subconsciously gear itself up for a workout without any distractions.

Have a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Adequate sleep is crucial for waking up refreshed and motivated to work out. Aim for seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night by establishing a consistent sleeping pattern. Set a bedtime routine that allows you to relax and unwind.

You can listen to some light music or read a book at bedtime to help you sleep. Avoid electronics and screens before bed. When you have enough sleep, you wake up energised in the morning and that can motivate you further for your morning exercise.

Create a Morning Routine

Establishing a morning routine can help you get into the right mindset and prime you for your workout. Your exercise will seem like the next logical step and you’re bound to do it.

Start by engaging in activities that energise you, such as stretching, meditation, or listening to upbeat music. Have a pre-workout snack or a cup of coffee to give you an extra boost. By creating a consistent routine, you train your mind to expect and accept morning workouts.

Set Achievable Targets

Set realistic goals for your morning workouts. Start small and gradually increase the intensity and duration as you build up your stamina and strength. Setting achievable goals will help you stay motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Whether it’s running a certain distance, completing a specific number of reps, or improving your flexibility, having clear objectives will give your morning workout purpose and direction.

Find a Workout Partner

Having a workout partner can significantly boost your motivation to try the morning workout. Find a friend, family member, or colleague who shares your fitness goals and plan on working out together.

You’ll be less likely to skip your morning workout knowing that someone is waiting for you. Additionally, having a workout companion makes the experience more enjoyable and can provide some extra support and encouragement.

Track Your Progress

Track your progress along the way and celebrate it from time to time. Keep a workout journal or use a fitness app to track your workouts, set milestones, and monitor your improvement.

Seeing how far you’ve come can motivate you to commit even more strongly to your morning workout routine. Treat yourself to small rewards when you achieve your goals, whether it’s a new workout outfit, a massage, or a rest day. Positive reinforcement will keep you motivated and excited about your fitness journey.

Starting your day with a morning workout can set the tone for a productive and fulfilling day ahead. Sometimes, your exercise motivation may vary, but on those days, the discipline and routine you built will help you to continue to follow your morning schedule.

With the FITPASS – One Membership | Workout anywhere, anytime app, you can reinforce your morning motivation not only by finding the right gym near you but also use the plethora of fitness features loaded in the app like the progress tracker and calorie counter. Finding gym workouts in Mumbai in the wee hours of the morning can now be a breeze. With a few taps of your smartphone, you can locate open gyms and attend yoga classes at these gyms in Mumbai according to your morning schedule.


  1. What are the benefits of working out in the morning?

Working out in the morning has plenty of benefits like starting on a positive note, increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced productivity throughout the day. 

  1. How can creating a morning routine help with workout motivation?

A morning routine conditions your mind to follow the same set of actions without any second thought, and hence it can contribute to morning workout motivation.

  1. What are some tips for making morning workouts more enjoyable and sustainable?

Listening to upbeat music, working out with a partner, getting adequate sleep the night before and following a morning routine are some tips to make morning workouts more enjoyable and sustainable.

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