
What Can Schools Do To Save Energy

schools do to save energy

As the world progresses, climate change’s effects become more apparent. Many individuals have begun adopting green habits like recycling and driving electric cars to save the planet. But there’s another area where we can make a big impact: schools.

Schools are some of the biggest energy consumers out there. In the United States, for example, they account for about 22% of total commercial sector energy use, costing around $6 billion annually. But there are things that schools can do to reduce their energy consumption and save money.

Here are some ways that schools can save energy and reduce their energy bills:

1. Turn off Lights and Electronics When They’re Not In Use

It seems like a no-brainer, but it’s often overlooked. Lights and electronics consume a lot of energy, so it’s important to turn them off when they’re not needed.

It can be done by using natural light whenever possible and investing in energy-efficient lighting fixtures. Electronics can be powered down completely or put into standby mode when not used.

2. Implement a Green Transportation Plan

Encouraging students and staff to use green transportation methods can help to reduce the school’s carbon footprint.

It can include things like carpooling, biking, or walking to school. The school can also invest in hybrid or electric vehicles for staff members who need to drive.

3. Educate Students and Staff about Energy Conservation

One of the best ways to save energy is to educate people about it. Students and staff should be made aware of the importance of conserving energy and given tips on how they can do their part. Signs around the school should remind everyone to turn off lights and appliances when they’re not needed.

Teaching people the benefits of conserving energy can help them be more conscious of their actions and change their behaviour. Many schools have implemented programs that teach students about energy conservation and how they can make a difference.

4. Implement Energy-Saving Policies and Procedures

Having policies and procedures that encourage energy conservation is a great way to ensure that everyone in the school is doing their part to save energy.

Some policies that schools have implemented include turning off lights when classrooms are empty, setting computers to “sleep” mode when they’re not in use, and using power strips so multiple devices can be turned off with one switch.

By having these policies in place, schools can greatly impact their energy consumption.

5. Make Use of Natural Light As Much As Possible

Natural light is a great way to save energy and is free! Whenever possible, open up blinds and curtains to let in natural light. It will help reduce the need for artificial lighting, saving the school money on its energy bill.

6. Update Lighting Fixtures to More Energy-Efficient Options

Older lighting fixtures can be very inefficient, wasting a lot of energy. Updating to newer, more energy-efficient fixtures is a great way to reduce business energy consumption and lower energy bills.

LED lighting is a great option for schools as it uses much less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and lasts much longer, so there’s less need for replacement bulbs.

7. Install Solar Panels

Not only does this mean that the school is using renewable energy, but it also means that they’re using less energy from the grid, which can lead to lower bills. Solar panels can be installed on the school’s roof or on the grounds, and portable options can be moved around if necessary.

8. Insulate the Building

Insulating the school building is another great way to save energy and reduce bills. It works by keeping the heat in during the winter and out during the summer, which means that the school won’t need to use as much energy to heat or cool the building.

There are many ways to insulate a building, such as using insulation in the walls or ceiling or installing double-glazed windows. Insulating the school building will make it more comfortable for everyone who uses it and help reduce energy costs.

Should Schools Switch Energy Suppliers To Save Energy And Reduce Energy Bills?

Sure, saving money is important, but is switching energy suppliers the best way to do it? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of this idea to see if it’s worth pursuing.

One of the main arguments favour switching energy suppliers is that it would save the school money. It is because schools typically use a lot of energy, so they have the potential to save big by switching to a supplier that offers lower rates.

Additionally, many schools are already struggling to pay their energy bills, so anything that can help reduce these costs is worth considering.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks to this plan. For one thing, it cannot be easy to find an energy supplier that’s both affordable and reliable. Additionally, switching energy suppliers can be a time-consuming and complicated process.

And finally, no guarantee switching suppliers will lead to lower energy bills. The school could end up paying more for energy than it did before.

But what if I told you there is a way to bypass all those drawbacks? Yes, that’s right! No more hours and hours of searching for an energy provider. Even the transition itself can be smoother and seamless! 

And if you’re thinking about the uncertainty of whether you’ll be saving money after the switch, then worry no more because you can now compare different energy plans to find the right one for you before even making the transition. How is this possible, you ask? Click here to find out!


These are just a few ways schools can save energy and reduce energy bills. By making some simple changes, schools can have a big impact on the environment – and help to set a good example for their students.

Not only will this help to protect the environment, but it will also save money that can be reinvested in other areas of the school.

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