
What Are the Different Types of Nuts That Exist Today

different types of nuts

According to a recent study, eating nuts is linked to living longer, and certain types may also improve brain health. Do you need more reasons to incorporate nuts into your diet? You would think that with the health benefits they bring, everyone would eat nuts. But, unfortunately, it’s not as common as it should be.

Exploring the different types of nuts is the perfect starting point if you are considering revamping your diet to focus more on your health. We’ve compiled a guide for you below, so read on to get started.

Exploring the different types of nuts


Almonds are among the most popular nuts in the United States. It is because they come from the almond tree and are considered hard and sweet. These nuts are often used to make almond milk, flour, butter, and oil. By themselves, they’re excellent as an afternoon snack, or chop them up and put them in fresh salads. Almonds are heart-healthy and contain high amounts of plant-based protein, fiber, magnesium, and vitamin E.


Cashews are known for their delicious buttery and nutty flavor, though they aren’t true nuts. Instead, cashews grow at the bottom of cashew fruit. They are a delectable snack by themselves but are also often made into nut butter and cashew milk.


If you know anything about pecans, they are a favorite feature in many desserts. These delicious nuts have a rich, buttery, and sweet flavor, making them perfect for ice cream, pie, and cinnamon rolls. They have a distinctive look from other nuts, being large and crinkled. Put them in a salad or some granola for added sweetness.


Pistachios have a richer flavor than most nuts and have tons of health benefits. Underneath their light brown shells, the green-coloured organic nuts are high in antioxidants, protein, and healthy fats and low in calories. It is one of the best nuts to eat if you want to keep in optimal health, as it is also quite tasty and will keep you coming back for more.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are most known for their role in desserts such as sugar cookies, but they are pretty good for you. They are one of the most expensive nuts but can be found in most marketplaces, such as at

These nuts are high in healthy fats and fiber but have less protein than pistachios. Their buttery and creamy taste is unmatched, and you will have a difficult time stopping from popping more and more in your mouth.

Explore the Most Common Types of Nuts

If you’re looking to live a holistic lifestyle, discovering the different types of nuts is a great place to start. Incorporating nuts into your diet can help add important nutrients you probably don’t even know you’re missing. And, most importantly, they are delicious.

Now you can explore and find your favorite types, so have fun. In the meantime, browse the various sections on our website for more lifestyle articles.

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