
Ways To Express Your Patriotism

express your patriotism
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If you love your country and aren’t afraid to show it, then you need creative ways to express your patriotism. You have many choices, so check out some of the following ideas, and select ones that fit your style and budget.


You can literally wear your patriotism on your sleeve with the right apparel. T-shirts and sweatshirts with patriotic messages and images, an American flag hat, or a bright bandana can be the perfect way to declare that you love your country. Patriotic apparel comes in many styles, sizes, and price ranges, so there’s sure to be something right for you.

Outdoor Flags

You might also show your patriotism at your home with an outdoor flag. Your flag might hang on your porch, or you could set up a flag pole in your yard. Take time to learn about proper flag etiquette. You’ll discover, for instance, that you should display your flag only during the day unless you have the right lighting to keep it flying after dark. And never let your flag touch the ground.

Social Media Posts

Your social media sites are another good place to display your patriotism. You can post patriotic pictures and messages borrowed from other sites or design your own. American flags, tributes to veterans and historical remembrances are excellent options. If you’re into politics, this, too, can be a form of your patriotism. Do be aware, however, that not everyone is going to agree with you. You could get negative comments. You can choose to respond to them or simply delete them.

A Website

Perhaps you want to go beyond social media and build your own patriotic website. This can be in support of your local veterans, focused on a particular event from history or a general expression of your pride in the United States of America. Design your website tastefully, and update it often so that your visitors keep coming back.


Finally, consider volunteering as a way to express your patriotism. Veterans groups are often in need of volunteers. You might drive veterans to medical appointments, visit them in care facilities or organize and assist with events in their honor. You might also get involved with your community’s Fourth of July celebrations. Your help is always wanted and appreciated, and it shows your patriotism.

When you love your country, you want to announce it to the world. So don’t hesitate. Show your patriotism, and take pride in America.


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