
Top Three Things to Do with Your Pool During Winter

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Swimming pools are popular in the summer for several reasons, including relief from the heat, relaxing and socialising, and a way to get a great workout. Swimming pools are the ultimate home accessory during the hot summer months. 

But what happens when the seasons change and the cold winter sets in?

Fortunately, the cooler weather doesn’t have to spell doom for your desire to enjoy your swimming pool. Instead, you only have to find the right alternatives to help keep the fun times going. Here are things you can do with your pool during winter:


It may not sound appealing, but swimming in the winter is a great way to exercise and stay warm on a cold day. Numerous reports are available detailing the health advantages you derive from cold-weather swimming. They include: 

  1. Increased circulation: Immersing yourself in cold water stimulates blood flow and increases circulation, which can benefit cardiovascular health.
  2. Improved immune function: Swimming in a cold pool may enhance the body’s immune function by increasing white blood cell production.
  3. Reduced stress and anxiety: Spending brief periods in cold water has proven beneficial for stress and anxiety reduction and can even help improve mood.
  4. Improved sleep: Immersion in a cold pool may boost sleep quality by reducing the production of cortisol, a stress hormone.
  5. Increased metabolism: Regular periodic swims in cold pools may increase the body’s metabolism and help with weight loss.
  6. Pain relief: Studies have also shown that immersing in cold water can help alleviate pain from arthritis and muscle soreness.
  7. Enhanced athletic performance: Taking dips in cold water during training can boost athletic performance by reducing inflammation and promoting muscle recovery.

Beyond the health benefits, you can also spend time in the pool having fun with loved ones who don’t mind the cold water. You can do so by playing games or having parties.

Install A Spa

If you don’t want to heat your pool but would like to enjoy time in warm water, then a spa may be the best option. You can install one next to your pool, thus creating a space that caters to shifting water temperature preferences. In addition, with a spa, you can move between the cold and hot water at will, thus giving your body the best of both worlds.

A spa also provides numerous health benefits. They range from stress relief to muscle relaxation and skin rejuvenation. You can also scale up your spa’s size to accommodate more people, thus creating the ultimate winter gathering spot.


You can relax in the pool and soak up the warmth, which can be especially enjoyable after a day of outdoor winter activities. Talking about relaxing in cold water may seem strange, but it is possible. After your body reacts to the shock of wading into cold water, it adjusts and becomes accustomed to the environment. This change can then allow you to enjoy relaxing in the water.

However, a critical caveat of this option is that you cannot do it for very long, especially if you don’t heat your pool. Therefore, if you want to relax in the pool during winter, it is best to limit your stay too short intervals or consider installing a pool heating system. If you choose the first option, you can construct a fireplace or firepit close to or next to the pool to act as a warming station after you leave the water.

So, as winter sets in, be glad you no longer have to give up on enjoying your swimming pool. Instead, consider the above suggestions to help you maximize your outdoor oasis throughout the year.

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