
10 Tips for Staying Safe When Traveling Solo as a Woman

traveling solo woman

Traveling is an excellent way to see new sights around the world, and it doesn’t have to be overly expensive. Solo traveling can allow a person to integrate into the culture of the location they’re visiting while making new friends along the way. However, visiting new areas yourself, especially as a woman, can be particularly dangerous. 

Always keeping your guard up is the best way to stay safe on your travels, but there are certain precautions all women, and any solo travelers, for that matter, should take. 

The Benefits of Solo Travel 

When considering planning your next trip, you may find that your schedule doesn’t line up with any of your friends. However, you may only have a certain window to travel. In this situation, it can make sense to consider a solo trip, which can offer some of the following benefits:

  • The opportunity for personal growth and independence
  • The ability to build your confidence by meeting new people
  • Freedom and the ability to reflect
  • Learning more about yourself along the way

The Drawbacks of Solo Travel

While solo travel can seem enticing on the surface, there are many drawbacks all potential travelers should consider. After all, with the average solo traveler spending $1,000-$2,000 per week alone, it isn’t a decision that should be made lightly. Keep the following cons in mind before planning your trip by yourself:

  • Increased safety risks that don’t exist in a group
  • Feelings of loneliness on your journey
  • No one to share your experiences within the moment
  • You don’t have anybody to take photos for you

10 Ways to Keep Yourself Protected While Traveling

For most travelers considering a solo journey, the above benefits will outweigh the drawbacks. Planning a trip on your own can be daunting, but arriving at your destination will bring about an excited nervousness that a person may have never felt before. As you begin your journey, keep the following ten safety measures in mind to stay safe: 

Always carry insurance information.

No matter where you are in the world, you should always keep insurance information close at hand. Whether a photo of physical copy of your insurance, you never know when an accident could occur. Even if you are on a domestic journey, getting into a car accident may result in injuries that require your insurance to provide coverage. If you don’t have your documentation on you, getting that coverage will take longer.

Keep an emergency plan on standby

When traveling, it’s always best to have an emergency plan. In an ideal world, you will never have to use this plan, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Depending on where you are, always know where the local authority’s station is and where the closest embassy is if you are international. Additionally, always have nonperishable food and water if you travel somewhere in the wilderness. 

Inform family and friends of your plans daily.

Always stay in contact with your friends and family when traveling by yourself. Tell them about your daily plans and inform them if those plans change drastically. This way, even though they aren’t there physically, somebody knows where you should be at all times in case something bad happens. 

Avoid going out at night alone

Even if you are convinced the area you are traveling in is safe for solo travelers, it’s best to never travel late at night by yourself. With most violent crimes occurring at night, the best way to stay safe when traveling is to join a group of people you trust. 

Never tell strangers that you are traveling by yourself

While it can be tempting to bond with others on your travel by discussing your plans, avoid mentioning that you’re by yourself. If anybody asks why your friends aren’t at the bar or local hangout, tell them they are exploring and will be back quite soon. 

Save your trust for when someone earns it 

When traveling, trust should be given to others rarely unless you know them already. Be cautious with the information you share with others, only giving basic information unless more is necessary. If you find yourself in a situation where you are uncomfortable, provide a fake name rather than your real one. 

Always secure your valuables

Passports and other unique forms of identification can make you stick out as a traveler in your location, bringing unwanted attention. If possible, leave your valuables in a safe place. Additionally, don’t flaunt money; only bring out your wallet when it is time to pay. If you are in an unsafe area, don’t take out your phone unless necessary. 

Stash money or sensitive information in a separate area

If you are staying in a trusted hotel, put most of your information and money into a secure safe. Assuming you don’t know if you can trust the hotel, consider investing a small bit of money into a secure locker service that allows you to store items. This way, if you find yourself robbed, you don’t lose all your money and identification information, allowing you to return home. 

Stay safe on your travels

While most people you meet on your travel will have good intentions, it’s best to operate cautiously and always keep your guard up unless you truly know the person you’re talking to. Additionally, always keep identification information and insurance data on your person in the event of an accident so that you can receive medical attention quicker. Solo traveling doesn’t need to be scary for a woman, so long as you take the proper precautions before touching down at your travel destination. 

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