Digital Marketing

4 Tips for Increasing Your Brand Visibility

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The saturation makes it challenging to stand out in a marketplace. So finding ways to increase your brand visibility and exposure is an absolute must. But doing it is easier said than done. To rise above the noise and get in front of your ideal customers, you’ll have to make smart, strategic decisions that keep you one step ahead of the competition at all times. 

Why Brand Visibility Matters 

If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? And if a brand exists but there are no customers to see it, is it a business?

Brand visibility and brand awareness are terms we use to describe a company’s recognition in the marketplace. Do your target customers know you exist? And even more importantly, do they know what you do and the value you provide?. 

Without visibility, you’re wasting your time. Things like website design, cool logos, fancy product packaging, and even product innovation won’t do anything for you. Visibility is the precursor to monetization. 

Tips for Better Brand Visibility 

Visibility isn’t a black and white issue – it happens on a spectrum. You can have no visibility, some visibility, a lot of visibility, or even total visibility. (For the record, very few brands have total visibility. Some of the ones that do include Coca-Cola, Nike, Google, Apple, and McDonald’s. But that’s okay because your goal isn’t necessarily total visibility.)  

The more brand awareness you create within your niche, the better. Here are several helpful tips for cultivating visibility in the digital age.

Build a Strong SEO Foundation 

According to one Long Island SEO company, search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to organic visibility in search engines. And unless you invest heavily in SEO from the start, you’ll be forced to rely 100 percent on paid traffic or referral traffic from other sources like email. 

A strong SEO foundation isn’t rocket science, though it requires careful strategizing and consistent execution. It includes getting the technical fundamentals right on the website’s backend and publishing targeted content regularly.

Pick One Social Media Platform 

You already know that social media marketing is important. But do you want to know something surprising? Unfortunately, most brands are implementing seriously flawed social media strategies. They’re trying to do too much and, in the process, are missing out on real brand visibility and engagement.

 Most companies take an all-encompassing approach. They set up profiles on half a dozen of the most popular social media platforms and immediately publish content in as many places as possible. Unfortunately, this leads to thin, generic marketing with minimal or no engagement. The better approach is to pick one social media platform and focus 100 percent of your energy there. It allows you to create better content targeted to that platform. 

We’re not saying you can’t ever have a second social media platform, but take it slow. Once you gain traction on one platform and feel like you have a pretty good feel for how it works, then you can layer on another one. But don’t rush it.

Master One Advertising Channel 

In a similar vein, start with a single advertising channel. Facebook or YouTube is probably your best bet – though AdWords is another good option. Focus on creating campaigns that work on these platforms. Get familiar with the key performance indicators (KPIs) and benchmarks. Then, once a campaign is profitable on one channel, you can add another. Always focus on quality over quantity. The latter will follow once the former is established. 

Leverage Influencers & Partners | Brand Visibility

 If you don’t have a massive audience of your own, the fastest way to create one is by tapping into someone else’s audience. It can be done by working with influencers and partners.  

Influencer marketing works especially well when you choose an influencer who has an audience with very similar demographics as yours (but who doesn’t directly compete with you). This quick guide shows you how to work with influencers.

Final Thoughts:

Want to increase impressions, engagement, conversions, revenue, or any other meaningful metric for your business? It starts with brand visibility. Hopefully, the tips outlined above give you some direction and clarity on investing your time, energy, and resources. 

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