
Think You Might Have a Rat Infestation? Here’s What to Do Next

rat infestation

The last thing many want to consider is the possibility of a rat infestation, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. If you suspect you might have a rat infestation but aren’t entirely sure where to look for confirmation, then you’re in the right place. First, let’s talk about what your plan of action should be. 

What Can You Do to Remove Rats?

Traps and poison are the two most common ways to remove rats from your premises. The extent of the infestation often dictates which option to go with, as poison can clear larger groups faster than individual traps. 

Questions to help you decide which method to use could include ‘how long does rat poison take to work?’ or ‘how many traps do I need to buy to clear an infestation?’ Ultimately, it’s up to you! 

No matter which tactic you opt for, you must act fast. Rats can cause significant damage to your home and often carry harmful diseases, so they aren’t ideal lodgers to keep around. 

What Are the Signs of a Rat Infestation?

There are numerous tell-tale signs that your property has a rat infestation, but you will only pick up on them if you’re aware of what they are. Listed below are some of the key signs you should know: 

Rub Marks

Rats aren’t clean by any stretch and are also pretty blind. Their poor vision means they will often cling to walls as they move, leaving greasy stains and ‘rub marks’ along surfaces throughout the property. 

Gnaw Marks

Along with rubbing along surfaces, rats also love to gnaw on things to keep their teeth sharp. Wood is a popular target, but so are wires and cables, so pay extra close attention to these when trying to identify a rat infestation. 

Shreddings for Nests

Although rats spend most of their time foraging for food, they also need to build nests for sleeping. To achieve this, they will shred just about anything soft they can find to create their bedding. 


Not only do rats need sufficient bedding for their nests, but they also need entranceways. These usually appear as holes, used as a home or storage system for foraged food.


Even if you clean frequently, there will always be hard-to-reach places you cannot dust. Rats can access these locations easily. If you have an infestation, you often see tiny little footprints throughout the dust. 


It’s very unpleasant, but we have to talk about it. Rats often make their presence known by leaving little gifts throughout your property, especially in locations that are ordinarily out of sight. If you start making more ‘discoveries’, it could indicate a deeper problem.

Don’t Freak Out. Just Prepare

No one wants to envisage a rat infestation, but sometimes it happens. Instead of panicking, take action. The longer the rats stay on the property, the more damage they will do, so don’t postpone their removal. 

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