
The 7 lighting mistakes you’re probably making according to Universal Lighting

universal lighting

Are you making any of these 7 common home lighting mistakes? From using the wrong light bulbs to not considering natural light, find out what errors you might be making and how to fix them. Good lighting in your home can significantly impact your daily comfort and enjoyment level. So read on to learn more!

Are you looking to update the lighting in your home? Visit the Universal Lighting website here to find beautiful lighting that suits every style and budget.

Not taking advantage of natural light – open your curtains and blinds during the day to let in as much sunlight as possible

Incorporating natural light into your daily life provides many benefits, from superior energy efficiency and increased vitamin D levels to improved mood and productivity. When you open up your curtains, blinds, and shades during the day, you let in an abundance of natural light, which, aside from its other advantages, creates a more inviting atmosphere in which to live and work. Utilizing sunlight costs nothing but can result in long-term savings regarding lighting costs, even if outdoor spaces are shaded. The invigoration provided by the sun is a powerful natural tool that shouldn’t be overlooked. Making just this simple switch can help make all the difference.

Hanging your lights too low should be at eye level or slightly higher for the best effect

When hanging your holiday lights, the best way to create a stunning spectacle is to keep them at eye level or slightly higher. It can be tempting to hang them lower for a different look, but you’re sacrificing aesthetics for creativity. Hang your lights about chest level and as close to the center of the room as you can for maximum effect. Creating simple yet beautiful patterns wherever you choose to hang them will add an extra flair to any room during the holiday season!

Using fluorescent lighting instead of LED lighting – LED lights are more energy efficient and last longer

Fluorescent lighting has long been a popular form of lighting for businesses and homes, but in recent years LED lighting has become the more attractive option. LED lights offer more energy efficiency and improved longevity, so why wouldn’t you make the switch? Although there is an initial cost to upgrade to LED lighting, over time, it will save money on energy bills and replacement costs. Also, LED lights are available in different chic-looking designs that can provide stylish decoration for any fixture or home interior. If you want to update your home or business’s lighting system, consider switching to LED lights!

Having only one light source in a room – try to have multiple light sources for a more evenly lit space

Having only one light source in a room can dramatically alter the atmosphere, often producing unflattering shadows or a strange hue. Fortunately, this was easily fixed with a few modifications. Adding multiple light sources such as lamps, sconces, or even direct lighting fixtures makes it possible to spread the light throughout the space evenly. In addition to providing better lighting, it also creates more options for controlling the room’s ambiance. With more sources, it’s easy to create a wide range of looks and vibes, from a warm and cozy setting to an energetic, vibrant atmosphere. You’ll be amazed at how much adding extra lights can change the entire look of your room!

Ignoring task lighting – invest in some good task lighting if you work from home or do a lot of hobbies that require it

Lackluster lighting can often hinder working from home or completing a project for a hobby. After all, doing a task that requires intense focus and concentration is difficult to achieve if your lighting is too dim or unflattering; it can inhibit you from generating creative ideas and hamper the overall quality of your work. If this sounds like something you need to consider, it’s time to invest in good task lighting. It can help you achieve optimum results when completing tasks as it will be specifically focused on the task at hand, resulting in increased productivity and capitalizing on the subject matter. Whether setting up an office at home or making small details on a beloved hobby, ensuring one has quick access to proper lighting should never be ignored.

Not using dimmers – dimmers can help create a more relaxing atmosphere in your home and also save you money on your power bill

Not utilizing dimmers in your home can be a costly decision. Installing dimmers, though initially more expensive than the traditional switches, can save you money in the long run. Not only that, but they can also help to create a more relaxing environment in your bedroom, living room, or any other space where they are installed. Tone down brighter lights and bring a gentle luminescence to darker spots; with dimmers working their magic, it’s easier than ever to craft an inviting atmosphere that’s perfect for relaxing after a long day at work. Installing dimmers is one of the easiest ways to reduce costs and stress – what could be better?


In conclusion, getting creative with lighting is key if you want your home to feel warm and inviting. Start by letting in natural light as much as possible, then invest in task lighting for areas where you work or play. Finally, make sure all your lights are spaced evenly throughout the room, and don’t forget to add dimmers so that you can control the ambiance when needed. With some thought and the right lighting, you can easily create a pleasant atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable. Plus, adding energy-efficient LED bulbs can save your wallet over time. The endless possibilities – start experimenting today and see how it brightens your home.

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