You are a lot more what you think about yourself. In this article, we will discuss this. Now, where is this power hidden? Are you have ever use 100% of your brain? Do you know you have a subconscious level of your mind? Also, do you know that your Subconscious mind is much more powerful than your conscious mind?.
Now before starting, let me share that this is not a spirituality-related article. Here we will only discuss the relevant points about the above questions. Yes, Your brain has that power to convert your every dream to reality. You can get whatever you want from yourself.
Our minds are divided into two parts those are conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Now the question is, what is the conscious mind and how it works in our daily day to day life?.
The Hidden Power Of Subconscious Mind
As we have already discussed, that mind has two parts. One is conscious, and another one is the subconscious mind. Here the conscious mind is responsible for all the thinking, Logic, Analysis, and decision made by us. On the other hand, this controls our emotions, Habits, Faith, Memories, and feelings. Now, if you look closely, you can quickly notice that the subconscious mind’s work defines how we become in our life.
Our beliefs are made with our habit as if we are habituated to do something, then that will become easier for us, but if someone else is not habituated to that, this can be hard to achieve the goal. So this belief helps us to defines our thinking, emotions, and feelings.
Capability Of Our Subconscious Mind
Do you know how much does our subconscious mind uses our brain? The conscious mind uses only 10% of our minds. And the remaining 90% is used by our this mind. The peoples those are capable of controlling the subconscious state of their mind they become extraordinarily successful people.
They can program themselves as per their requirements, and it is not a small thing. Our scientists have already done a lot of research to understand the capability of our this mind properly. One the test which is very much popular than the other is the Placebo effect. Let start knowing about the Placebo effect.
Placebo Effect
Placebo effects state that if we divide a few peoples with the same disease into two groups. We give medicines for that disease and the second group for the first group if we give a similar-looking any other medicine. Then told the second group’s peoples that this is the same as they give another group.
We can see that the recovery rate of the groups is the same for both groups. It proves that more than medicine, the recovery of these peoples is made by the subconscious state that is their thinking, belief. In reality, they don’t know that they are not taking original medicines their beliefs and thinking send signals to their mind that they are healing. Their disease is recovering slowly, which shows the same recovery rate for both groups.
Now let us think of a
real-life problem. You have to give a stage speech, and you think
that you might fail to deliver that to others appropriately. Then
this will program you not correctly to deliver that speech.
Final Thoughts:
The power of our subconscious mind is much higher than we think. We have to believe that yes, we can do this. and we will get that power to that.