Real Estate

Pay-Per-Click for Real Estate: Everything You Need to Know to Develop Your Ad Campaign

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When working in the real estate field, building your brand name is everything when it comes to creating success. The best way to go about this is to refine your advertising technique so that more people begin to recognize your name and visit your site. From there, you can employ ad campaigns that drive revenue based on the number of viewers who click through to your sit. Learn about one of the most prominent ad campaigns, along with how you can integrate it into your real estate business.

What is Pay-Per-Click?

A pay-per-click business model is a specific form of advertising in which a company places ads on their website and receives a portion of money every single time a person clicks on those ads. The way a company benefits from this business model is if they drive enough traffic to their site in such a way that a hefty enough portion decide to check the advertisement and they drive revenue. Most people view PPC as being the website the ads are displayed on, but a company can also publish the advertisement on other sites themselves through PPC firms.

How Much Revenue Does Pay-Per-Click Bring In?

The average amount of revenue a pay-per-click business model brings in varies drastically depending on the amount of traffic they have visiting their site. For Google AdWords, as an example, businesses tend to earn an average revenue of $2 for every $1 that is spent on the site. For display ads, specifically, the average cost of pay-per-click was $0.10 to $0.50. The exact amount can also change if the advertiser themselves are paying you directly.

Benefits of PPC for Real Estate

Oftentimes, those in real estate, whether working as an agent, broker, house flipper, or something else, don’t consider the possibility of using PPC in their business. However, the ads displayed on PPC campaigns can be relevant to any theme, which means they can be quite topical for real estate workers. Specifically, some of the primary benefits of real estate PPC include:

  • The ability to attract visitors who are looking for a specific real estate portfolio you are offering
  • Increased ability to achieve keywork rankings and better traffic
  • Controlling the message given at each stage of the process
  • Allowing a firm to see what prospects they are searching for and the ability to tailor your message to their needs
  • Tracking your ROI

Given that real estate is all about building your book, the best way to go about the process is to get your name in front of as many eyes as possible. However, all of the above benefits need to be considered in conjunction with some of the primary drawbacks.

Drawbacks to Integrating a PPC Revenue Model

As mentioned, there are a number of drawbacks with a PPC revenue model that are important to be aware of. While they may not dissuade you from participating in a PPC ad campaign, it’s still crucial to consider the following downsides:

  • PPC ad campaigns can get expensive quickly depending on the domain rating of the site you are advertising on
  • There is an inherent time investment with a PPC ad campaign that must be considered
  • You will need to invest time into optimizing the best strategy to get results from your campaign
  • There isn’t a certain amount of longevity with PPC campaigns that other forms of advertising bring to the table

As mentioned, it’s important to consider the above affect your risk tolerance for integrating a PPC ad campaign into your real estate marketing plan. If the downsides outweigh what you are willing to put into the project, then consider the following alternatives.

Alternatives to Pay-Per-Click to Consider

There are a few different alternatives to a pay-to-click campaign that can be considered by any real estate firm. Most notably, these include:

  • Email marketing outreach where a firm develops a reliable list of potential clients
  • Blog marketing and guest post advertising
  • Social media content marketing on a variety of different platforms
  • Influencer marketing for high-level names in the real estate field
  • YouTube ads if your real estate firm has a strong digital presence

Grow your business today

While creating an effective pay-per-click campaign is not an easy task and will likely take months to refine, the rewards can be more than worth it. Work with an accredited marketing firm that can help you develop your strategy so that you drive more traffic to your sites and, in turn, more revenue through ads.

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