
New to Bangalore and kickstart your time in the city

new in the city

Congratulations on your move to the Silicon Valley of India – Bangalore. Whether it was a better job or a great education opportunity that brought you here, you’re sure to have a great time in the city. As a hotspot for young migrants, this is a city which has a lot to offer.

And as you get settled in your ladies PG in BTM layout and start exploring the different sights, making friends and trying out the cuisine, you can feel the nerves and apprehension of moving start to ebb away. To help you get comfortable even more quickly, we’ve got a list of some of the practical things that you should do just after moving to the city. These will ensure that you have a safe and fun experience in Bangalore, so check them out.

Change your lock

Whether you’re living in a rented flat or a PG, there’s a high chance that your accommodation had a previous tenant. Sure, they may have returned their key to the landlord, but what about the duplicates they made for family or friends? The last thing you want is to walk into your home and find a stranger poking through your stuff. So, make sure that you change the lock to your space within the first month itself. This will make you feel a lot safer and more comfortable, especially since you’re new to the city.

Take pictures

The first month after moving in is when your hostel or apartment will be in its best condition. So, you need to document everything. This way you’ll have proof about how the place was when you received it. If there are spots of chipped paint or water damage at the time of moving in, you’ll be able to show your landlord and get them fixed or ensure that you’re not blamed for causing the problem. Taking pictures of your place while moving in will also help you restore everything to its original state when you move out, especially if you’re rearranging the furniture and adding your own decor. Your security deposit will surely thank you for the effort.

Get new light bulbs

Yes, we’re sure your flat or hostel room is going to come with light bulbs and other electrical fittings, but if these are dim, old, or not energy efficient, consider switching them out for new LEDs. This will make a huge difference to your electricity bill and will literally brighten up your room. Once you’ve got the bulbs in place, feel free to also add some lamps or fairy lights to give your space an added cosy ambiance.

Find out the delivery and visitor protocols

Once you’re settled into your new home, you’re going to want to invite friends over and get the occasional delivery. So, it’s important to find out if your building has any rules or restrictions regarding the same. A lot of hostels and PGs have specific timings within which you can receive a delivery or invite guests. And if you live in an apartment, your building might need you to pick up deliveries from the lobby or not provide parking for visitors. Make sure you ask your watchman or your landlord for all the information so that none of this ends up a hassle.

Final Thoughts:

One of the quickest ways to get comfortable in a city is to throw yourself out of your comfort zone and explore as much as possible. Thankfully, in a city like Bangalore, you have an endless list of things you can try. Go hiking, try out adventure sports, visit an escape room or try go karting in Bangalore with your friends or roommates. This can be a great bonding experience and a chance for you to feel more connected to your new city.

These are just some of the things you can do to kickstart your life in Bangalore. We hope they come in handy and make you feel right at home!

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