
4 Learning Tips for Getting Back in the Swing After Summer Vacation

learning tips

Don’t worry – summer isn’t over yet. Still, August is a fantastic time to reflect on the fun summer (mostly) behind us and prepare for the academic year ahead.

Getting back in the swing can be challenging as you shake off the summer cobwebs, bid farewell to two leisurely months, reprioritize your education and attempt to establish routines anew. It can feel a bit like learning how to ride a bike all over again. It takes some practice. It takes some dedication.

In this post, let’s explore a few tips for expediting the settling-in process. Here’s how to hit the ground running at school for a smoother fall semester.

Continue Your Social Streak with Group Studies

One of the hardest parts of returning to school is leaving behind your summer social life. In summer, you hung out with friends whenever you wanted. But now, you have work to do.

Wait a second. Why leave your social life behind completely? Why not integrate your social and academic lives by starting a study group? Experts show that group studying can have profoundly elevating effects on learners because it helps them work through concepts in a safe and fun environment. Plus, you get to keep the summer fun going with more friend time.

Before you assemble, read this Stanford University guide on how to create an effective study group.

Consider Online Courses for a Flexible Transition

Online education is a fantastic way to ease back into the routines and rigors of school. Most quality online schools base their education on a “self-paced” model, which allows students to work through courses at their own speed. It’s also entirely flexible, meaning students can work during evenings, weekends, one hour a day, 10 hours a day – whatever they want.

Consider replacing a few of your regular school courses with online courses to see if the approach works for you. Just make sure you’re enrolling with an accredited online school, ministry-approved to award credits.

Create a “Basic Needs” Routine to Get Back on Track

Summer is a time for staying up late, sleeping in early, lounging on the couch and eating more potato chips than you probably should. Unfortunately, those less-than-healthy routines can harm your ability to focus, study effectively and regulate your mood.

As you begin a new school year, consider the three pillars of basic physical and mental health: sleep, exercise and diet. Get a consistent eight-to-ten hours of sleep each night, ideally going to bed and waking at similar times each day. Centre your meals on vegetables, brain-healthy fats (like Omega 3s) and whole grains. And try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Your brain will thank you – and so will your report card.

Set Goals to Guide the Year

Goal-setting is a terrific way to set the tenor for the year. With actionable, achievable and specific goals, your brain has something to work toward. You can structure your studies to meet those goals, breaking each ambition into smaller parts.

For instance, let’s say your goal is to pass Math 12 with a mark competitive enough to enter a post-secondary pre-med program. Define your goals, structure your schedule to ensure that you focus energy on Math 12, and set benchmarks to ensure you’re on the right path throughout the year.

Hopefully, these four straightforward tips ease you back into school this September. With some pre-planning and smart decision-making, you can set yourself up for academic success this year.

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