
How To Motivate an Employee

motivate an employee

With nearly 2 out of 3 workers on the hunt for a new job, you might struggle to get the most out of your employees. Or you might have employees who seem disengaged for other reasons. In any case, a little employee motivation can go a long way toward building productivity — and profits.

Wondering how to motivate an employee? Read this employee motivation guide to find out!

Motivate an Employee with Incentives

You must provide your top employees competitive compensation if you want to keep them. Make sure you aren’t cutting corners on your pay, even though this may be easier said than done in some firms. If their performance justifies one, this will show them that you value and appreciate them.

Consider performance-based bonuses for specific individuals or groups of employees if you cannot pay competitive salaries or raises. Sometimes motivating an employee can be easier when you have tangible rewards. In other words, make room in the budget for gift certificates, bonuses, and prizes.

For instance, give monthly gift cards to a fancy local restaurant to the sales team member who brings on the most clients. As another option, offer quarterly bonuses to everyone at the company if you hit a pre-determined financial goal. That way, you’ll be rewarding the efforts of everyone and encouraging a team mentality. A 2 or 3% performance bonus can be another great way to spur more engagement. 

Provide Space for Encouragement

When it comes to employee motivation advice, you must start by looking at the big picture. It means recognizing that some cultural issues might stand in the way of motivating anyone. You can start addressing issues by being more transparent and encouraging. 

When an employee does something well, how do you share it? While you don’t have to have a company meeting each time, you should have a few methods for sharing the good news.

Consider starting a weekly shout-out email to highlight recent accomplishments. It could include a promotion, completion of an advanced degree, or publication.

Use your internal communication system to provide space. Employees can lift each other and spotlight the considerate and positive work that’s happening. 

It is also a great way to improve employee morale. When economic times are tough, you might not always have the means to hand out raises that keep pace with inflation. But creating safe online or in-person groups to communicate and share concerns is a good way to build support and community. Make sure it’s a good environment to work in at your organization.

The company also fosters a positive work environment along with excellent pay and benefits. Why would people want to work hard if they don’t enjoy their jobs if the company culture is unpleasant and rigid? Simple incentives like meals, team-building exercises, and happy hours can be motivational enough without offering free beer every day of the week or Google Glass to everyone.

Improve Work-Life Balance

All employees have responsibilities beyond their job that can make doing their job draining. Picking up children, caring for an elderly parent, or battling traffic can deflate your workers. But you can intervene and make a positive difference.

If you’re not already offering flexible work schedules, embrace this new normal. Consider allowing employees to work remotely on certain days. Or allow them to take work home, come in late, or leave early. Employees feel valued and respected when they believe their manager genuinely cares about where they are headed within the organization and in their careers.

Building trust and promoting them can help them feel more positive about their futures with your firm. As long as you don’t see a dip in productivity, flexible work schedules can be a source of motivation. Your employees might be more productive knowing they have access to a better work-life balance. 

Learn How to Motivate an Employee

When you know how to motivate employees, you can improve their work and home experience. Offer tangible incentives like gift cards and more flexible work options. But also devote time to building a better workplace through intentional support. Find more employee motivation tips. Come back soon to read new articles.

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