
Happy Shayari in English: Spread Joy and Positivity

happy shayari in english

Ever thought what’s the true meaning of being happy? You’re also at the right place if you’re also seeking the answer. This Happy Shayari in English answers all the questions you hold in your mind about happiness. Happiness is a state of heart and mind that nothing can affect. When we say we are genuinely happy, our happiness does not depend on money, fame or a luxurious lifestyle. If you accept that one day everything will be over and everything is temporary, then only you can be happy.

Happiness cannot be described, but it can be felt by one’s heart. A pleased person never cries over worldly things, and this Happy Shayari in English will make you understand the concept of true happiness perfectly. Happiness is not supposed to depend on something outside us, such as having a luxurious lifestyle, access to favourite electronic devices or fame.

Happiness is a state where one is free from all suffering and can feel joy in harsh challenges. Life happiness is not about having all the worldly things, but it is about the inner strong self that one holds on to. Happy Shayari is the feeling which is not dependent on the outer world but to clean and purify one’s mind and heart. For instance, just to feel blessed can be called happiness, too, because you’re creating more good fortune for yourself.

Happy Shayari in English

happy shayari true friends


Happiness is a blessing in life; cherish it every day.


If you wish to be happy, be compassionate with others. If you want others to be happy, be caring.


Real happiness in life has true friends.


Happiness is having authority over your feelings; Happiness is having the courage to do the right actions.

authority happy shayari in english


When you feel happy, share the happiness, when you feel sad, pray for the best.


The way to become happy is to share your best feelings with others.


Happiness is having caring people around you who cherish you.


caring people happy shayari in english


Smile whenever you can live every moment with the best ability.


We are born to be happy, not to be suffered.


One thing that a person can learn is to smile in every situation.


Be happy no matter what; this life is not even permanent.

no matter happy shayari


Krishna said, “Everything is not permanent in life so be humble and have faith”.


When you start enjoying your life, everything becomes a true sense of purpose.


Happiness is the real meaning of life, not everything can be handled with anger.


Sometimes to control something, you need just to shower and smile.


happy shayari in english smile


Happiness comes from within you, and no circumstances can harm your satisfaction.


The moment you realize you’re the cause, you’ll see the effect.


Fortune comes when you start appreciating life, Be the person who imparts hope and cherishes everyone around you.


Those born as humans are fortunate to see the sky, enjoy the light and make the best out of their lives.


Best Happy Shayari


true joy help others life


Challenge every situation, and you’ll see the change in your life.


Never sit back if you face any harsh problem; keep going at double speed.


If you’re seeking happiness, then seek inside yourself.


No one else can make you happy; lucky are those who bring joy into others’ life.


People who are comfortable on the inside won’t make others feel sad.

I was searching for the reason for happiness, then I realized that I am alive.


Be the sunshine for the people who are in the darkness of life.

Your environment cannot affect your happiness if you ultimately control your emotions.


Make the best out of your life; the only legacy you leave behind is how you treat people.


Never treat yourself harshly; no one else will be so good to you.


Share the love you hold in your heart, and love increases when you share it.

And sorrow gets decreased when you share it.


Happiness is the cause of creating an unwavering life condition.


The hope that you give to others will come back to you.

The happiest are those who fight their problems.


Sometimes your joy can be the reason for your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the reason for your joy.


Be happy not because everything is fine but because you can see the positive in everything.


Happiness comes when you realize not everything is in your control.


True joy comes when you do everything with a sense of purpose to spread peace and harmony.


It is not important to give money to people to make them happy; Kindness is enough for it.


Happiness is not a feeling; it is your conscious choice.


Happy Shayari


happy shayari


Happiness means accepting the realities and working on them.


If you have decided to be happy, the universe will also bring fortune to you.


Those who lament over everything cannot feel genuine happiness.


To be happy, you need to learn that it is your choice to be sad and lament or be that person who takes challenges and changes the situation.


You can’t be happy unless you have not seen the struggles.

The people who have faced the most daunting challenges can be happy.


Happiness lies within you; you’re just unable to see it correctly.


The daunting challenge will change you from within and remove the darkness inside you.

Learn to be happy not because everything is perfect but because you can see the ideal in everything.


A person who loves to respect people, I can get many along with him.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.


The more you realize what you want to do, the more your come near to you.


Love every moment; you’ll eventually learn a lot along the way.


Smile as a cause for greatness in life, not as an effect of something environmental.


You need nothing more. Every moment you get is to be happy and cherish life, not envy.


Happiness doesn’t come with money, fame, and a luxurious lifestyle, but it comes with hope, peace of mind, and positivity.


Loving yourself can bring happiness to you.


Best Happy Shayari in English


best happy shayari in english


Your happiness can become an answer to all your questions; your smile can bring hope to others.


Make sure you smile today. You never know what will happen next.


Happiest are those who treat others with a sense of understanding.

Positivity and hope come along with the mindset to take the right decision.


A person who learns from his mistake is awakened, But a person who learns from others’ mistakes is wise.


As life can bring joy to you, it’s your responsibility to sustain that joy.


True happiness comes when you try for others’ happiness but do not expect anything in return.


A person’s real character can be seen in his anger, and his genuine desire can be seen in his sorrow.


Both sadness and happiness make you the best version of yourself.


You cannot have everything to be done overnight; Great things take time too.


The more you run away from the realities of life, The more happiness is running away from you.


Satisfaction is like a plant. If you give it a reasonable amount of time to flourish, it becomes like a tree.


Beautiful Happy Shayari in English


beautiful happy shayari in english


Make sure to feel blessed every day and thank God each day.


You must feel happy and blessed if you’re alive, breathing, eating well and caring for everyone around you.


Happiness comes from within your heart. No one can steal it.


The more you understand the real meaning of happiness, the more you’ll learn about life.


As sadness is a state of mind, happiness is also a state of mind and the heart.


The empowered people empowered others as well.


The more you feel the joy from within, the more beautiful life becomes.


Happiness is like a precious thing in one’s life.


If you want to be happy, do not expect anything from others; if you want to look happy, then keep a smile on your face.


Courageous are those who take the right actions.


The happiest are those who challenge themselves to do better than yesterday.


Life is the gift that God has given; cherish it each day.


Smiling is the only solution to every problem, and silence is the only answer to unnecessary questions.


Be happy at the moment; stop overthinking about the future. We are born in the world to be happy and make others happy.


Embrace yourself; embrace your smile. You’re unique; There’s no one like you.


Spread happiness. It will eventually come back to you.


Be your sunshine; you don’t need anyone to make you feel special.


Happiness is a gift


happiness gift happy shayari


Everyone is running to be rich, and no one is running to be happy.


Seek your happiness in the things that you love doing the most rather than seeking it somewhere else.


We have got one life; live it to the fullest.


Smile to express, not to impress.


We all have problems in our lives; our attitude makes us different.


Be like the sun; it shines even on cloudy days.


Make the best choices in this life so you won’t regret it later.


Having someone to care for you is like having water in the desert.


The world is full of happiness. You just need the eyes to see it and a heart to feel it.


Be kind always; it will not cost you anything.


Hey, life, you’re so beautiful; I would love you each day.


The most essential part of life is your smile. You’re facing challenges.

And your attitude when you’re enjoying success.


Becoming successful can make you happy.

But going through failure must make you humble always.


Wise people feel happy when they see challenges, whereas foolish people always cry seeing the challenges.


Make the best of your life; you never know what the next moment can bring to you.


We are capable enough to be happy in every situation; we only lack in believing in our potential.


The true nature of someone can be seen when they are angry, and their humanity can be seen when they see others in trouble.


Lucky are those who live their life to the fullest.


Your motive in life should be to become better than yesterday.


Be happy in every situation, not only in good circumstances.

situation happy shayari in english


Feeling Happy Shayari in English


feeling happy shayari in english


Happiness is the best, it’s true,
With a true friend like you.


Thanks for making life so great,
I heartily respect your goodwill.


Feelings of joy in my heart reside,
In this strong relationship, side by side.


In the Book of Life, you play a part,
You connect my heart; you’re an ocean of love.


Life’s a lovely journey with you along,
You make it beautiful, like a heartwarming song.


With you, every moment is so lovely,
In your presence, I find my heaven.


Your smile is so pretty, it’s true,
It warms my heart and makes me value you.


A true friend like you is a precious gem,
In life’s grand plan, you’re a priceless stem.


Handsome or cute, you’re charming, it’s clear,
Your presence is like sunshine, spreading cheer.


With you, life’s attractions are so grand,
In every way, you’re simply superb.


In this journey of life, you play a part,
You touch my soul; you’re a work of art.


Your kindness is like a soothing balm,
In times of trouble, you’re my healing psalm.


Through thick and thin, you’re always there,
A true friend’s love, so beyond compare.


In your company, I genuinely enjoy,
Every moment with you, I deeply value, oh boy.


Respect and admiration, I hold for you so high,
With a true friend like you, I’m on cloud nine.


In our internal connection, I find my peace,
Your heart touch brings happiness, never to cease.


In times of need, you’re always near,
Your help and kindness, I indeed hold dear.


For me, you’re a treasure, a perfect find,
In the book of my heart, you’re forever signed.


Your elegance shines in every way,
A true friend like you in my life will forever stay.


Final Thoughts:

This Happy Shayari in English article is here to rescue you from all the sorrows and make you understand more about genuine happiness. Being happy is not easy; you have to change your perspective towards certain things. Of course, sometimes you won’t feel happy inside, but those days will teach you the value of blessings and happiness. We are supposed to fight over our fundamental darkness of ignorance, anger, and arrogance.

When you hold on to little bad experiences or one conversation that hurt you, you’re doing wrong to yourself. It is important to free yourself from the things that are not in your control. More often, we are always hurrying upon success in the present. Remember, great things take time to be accomplished. So, you shouldn’t hamper your current joy in overthinking the future.

This Happy Shayari can be shared with your loved ones to make them understand true happiness. How miserable is the destiny one can become when we make ourselves cry over the small things? The Love Shayari in English provides a positive vibe.

If you feel tense, then feel it, don’t hide it but make sure you overcome it. That is a positive approach to solving a problem. When we were kids and got hurt playing around, we cannot say that we have not gotten hurt; instead, we would feel the pain, cry, and treat that wound. Avoiding the pain is not a positive approach to healing oneself.

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