
When to Get an Attorney for a Car Accident

attorney for a car accident

America has more drunk drivers than most countries have citizens. Tragically, over 10,000 people die on US roadways each year due to drunk driving. (That’s the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing.) When you add in distracted driving, bad weather, and other factors, you can see how easy getting involved in a wreck is.

Were you recently hurt in a traffic accident? Have you been asking yourself, “Do I need a lawyer?” Keep reading to learn when to get an attorney for a car accident.

1. You’re Not Sure of Your Legal Rights

Navigating the legal system is challenging at the best of times. If you’re trying to recover from a severe accident, you likely don’t have the mental clarity or focus on researching your rights.

For example, do you live in an at-fault or no-fault state? What if you’re being blamed for an accident that wasn’t your fault? A car accident lawyer can walk you through the answers to these essential questions.

2. There Was Serious Physical Injury

If your accident was a minor fender bender that caused no injury and little damage, you probably don’t need a lawyer. These cases are easy to settle out of court through your insurance companies.

However, if your injuries were severe enough to send you to the hospital, you definitely should speak with a personal injury lawyer. They can help determine a fair amount you’re entitled to based on missed work and future medical treatment.

3. You’re Battling With Insurance Companies

Are you being harassed by the other person’s insurance company (or your own)? Even worse, has your claim been denied?

If so, you need to find the right lawyer to intervene. Insurance companies are notorious for giving customers the runaround or throwing out low-ball offers. They have lawyers working for them, so you need a lawyer who’s willing to work for you.

4. You Can’t Get the Medical Care You Need

Are your medical bills from the accident piling up? Has your doctor recommended therapy, surgery, or other treatments that you can’t afford?

It would help if you never had to sacrifice your health because you can’t afford medical care. Hiring a lawyer will bring you one step closer to a settlement amount that will cover your necessary medical bills.

5. You’re Suffering Emotional Distress

When you think of a personal injury lawsuit, it’s easy to focus only on economic damages. In reality, though, not all injuries or damages come with a specific dollar amount.

After an accident, it’s not uncommon to suffer from anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These conditions can have a significant impact on your personal or professional life. A lawyer can help you take care of the process by handling the negotiations and compiling evidence such as the traffic collision police report and witness statements. Thus, allowing you to focus on recovering emotionally from the incident.

When to Get an Attorney for a Car Accident

If you’ve been on the fence about hiring a lawyer, hopefully, this article has brought you one step closer to a decision. If it seems like the right path to follow, contact a personal injury lawyer or car accident attorney near you.

Final Thoughts:

Now that you know when to get an attorney for a car accident, what happens next? Please keep browsing our site for more significant legal and lifestyle advice.

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