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Garage Upgrades That Can Increase Your Home’s Value

increase your home value

Garages usually have a significant impact on any home’s aesthetics and value. Not only does it serve as the main entrance to your home, but it also protects your car and other valuable items from harsh weather elements. Your garage is not only a convenience but also a necessity. Without a garage, your home can turn off many potential buyers and even sell for less. While adding a garage can be quite expensive, it can be a worthwhile investment, considering it has an extremely high return on investment.

Despite providing a high return on investment, garages are often the most overlooked part of the house during home improvement projects. A less-than-appealing garage can be a huge obstacle when you decide to put your home on the market. Researching quality home designs online can provide valuable insights that could inform your garage renovation project. However, not all renovations are created the same since some can increase your home’s value while others can decrease its value. Here are a few garage upgrades that can significantly boost the value of your home:

 1. Add Functional Storage Solutions

Nothing can reduce your home’s value and turn off potential buyers like a disorganized and overstuffed garage. An entirely unusable garage with piles of boxes and other stuff can’t add value to a home, even with the floors and countertops in good condition. If you want to increase the value of your garage and home, consider installing functional storage options.

Great ways to achieve that is by adding vertical shelving or cabinets for keeping tote bins and other items like sports equipment and gardening tools. Also, install hooks and pegboards for items you frequently use, like hoses, store tools, and sporting goods. Add overhead storage systems for storing items you use less frequently and lockable cabinets for hazardous chemicals and equipment. Proper storage systems can help keep your garage clutter-free and tidy, making it easier for potential buyers to envision the space better.

 2. Add Insulation

A poorly insulated garage can make temperatures inside your home uncomfortable and significantly increase your home’s energy bills. Adding Insulation to your existing garage can help cut down your energy costs and make your home more appealing to potential buyers if you’re looking to sell soon. Install new Insulation to your garage door to keep cold air outside and heat inside. 

Consider adding a standalone heater to make the space feel cozier and more welcoming. Adding this feature is especially crucial if you’re planning to add a living room inside your garage or use the space as a workshop and you reside in a cold, snowy place. It will ensure you don’t experience problems starting your car or make it unbearable to work from your garage during those freezing winter days.

 3. Create Extra Living Space

Another excellent garage upgrade that can add value to your home is creating extra living space in your garage. You can add an extra room above your garage to host and entertain guests without interrupting your family. This room can also be great for hosting unexpected guests if you need more space inside your home.

Besides hosting guests, you can organize and design the room to hold your vehicle when not in use. When adding a room above or inside your garage, consider its curb appeal, fire safety, plumbing work, and the impact it has on adjacent spaces.

 4. Give Your Door a Facelift

Besides adding Insulation and an additional living room, you can also increase your home’s resale value by updating your garage door. As the main entrance to your home and the largest part of your home’s exterior, ensuring your garage door is functional and aesthetically pleasing can create a good first impression when selling your house. Applying a fresh coat of paint to your garage door instantly gives it a new look.

Another inexpensive way to update your garage door is by installing elegant fixtures and faux windows. Updating the look of your garage door can enhance your home’s curb appeal and make it easier to sell. It would help if you also considered adding a remote opener to your existing garage door to make it more functional, making your home more appealing to potential buyers.

 5. Install Polyaspartic Flooring

Replacing your existing concrete garage flooring with polyaspartic flooring is another excellent way to improve your garage’s aesthetics and the value of your home. Once damaged, concrete flooring is usually costly to repair and can be challenging to keep clean. On the other hand, polyaspartic flooring is incredibly durable and easy to install since it can be added on top of other floor types. It’s also easier to clean since you don’t have to use special sealants to keep it looking clean and tidy.


Implementing the garage upgrades above can make your garage more functional and aesthetically pleasing, boosting your home’s overall resale value. It can attract potential buyers when you want to sell your home fast and for top dollar.

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