Home Decor

An Expert Guide To Hardwood Floor Care And Maintenance

hardwood floor care

A wooden floor shows different phenomenal natures with seasonal changes. Snowing and cooling weather in winter, dry mud, dirt, slated water, dust in summer, and rainy climate in monsoon affect any wooden object. Even leaves and impurities in the fall season create another problem for the floor. 

Despite all these conservancies, you can easily maintain your floor and keep its glossiness over the years. You need to know the exact maintenance routine. Here we are with experts’ suggestions and rules in a better direction.

1. Avoid and Wipe Excessive Water or Any Other Cleaning Liquid to Maintain Wooden Floor

Water soaking is the most harmful thing to any wooden object because water accumulation through the wood causes rot and discoloration. Water and any cleaning liquid should not be allowed to apply excessively on the floor because the more penetration will happen, the more erosion and permanent stain will be there.

Dented, split, curtailed, bloated, and cupped wooden floors are examples of excess humidity in indoor spaces. Also, not correctly mopping could cause damaged and spilled floors. So you should avoid wet wipers and use a damp wiper or a dry piece of cloth for your bi-weekly cleaning.

2. Don’t Pull or Push Heavy Objects Across Your Timber Floor

It would help if you did not draw or jog any heavy thing along the floor to avoid deep or permanent scratches and dents. The more a wooden floor endures rough edges, the faster it will lose its unblemished look. Also, you can set a carpet across the floor to avoid friction and heavy contact.

3. Do Not Walk With Rugged/Wet Shoes And Use Of Doormat At The Entrance

If you walk on the floor with wet feet or shoes, then it will lead to frowzy water stains on the floor. Even bumpy shoes with thick soles with jagged edges will result in corrosion. It should be a habit to remove shoes before entering the room. But, if you are not comfortable barefoot, you can use indoor slippers or socks. That reduces the risk of any sand particles, dirt, or pebbles.

Another trick to avoid grime or dust from outside is placing a doormat or rug at the entrance. So you can wipe off maximum impurities before walking on the floor. 

4. Use Of Microfiber Mop for Cleaning

It would be best to immediately clean up any stain or dust with a damp microfiber mop or dry duster with smooth brushes. Soft bristle resists any scratch and removes obnoxious marks. Many of us often use the steam cleaning process, which damages the texture and shade of the floor. Taking the flat head mop is better to quickly accumulate dust, particles, dirt, or debris.

One more thing you should remember is that you need to select the cleaning agents or tools that are lab-experimented and harmful chemicals free. 

Note: For more profound knowledge, please visit Gulvkanonen.dk.

5. Avoid Vinegar, Lemon Juice Or Any Chemical Chemical Agent

While cleaning, you need to take bucket-full plain water instead of detergent-mixed water. The harsh chemicals of this wax-based detergent are not suitable for wooden floors. 

Also, metal like a steel wool mop can harm your floor with unpleasant scars. Even excessive use of lemon water and vinegar can result in discoloration and damaged texture due to their acidic properties.

6. Dusting and Sweeping as Daily course, Vacuum Cleaning As Monthly Cleaning

Dusting and sweeping daily keeps the glossiness of the wooden floor over the years. If you can use a vacuum cleaner bi-monthly, it will be the best option. But, it would help if you noticed that the head of the vacuum cleaner is application-friendly for your floor.

Use a dry cloth for daily cleaning and a damp microfiber mop for bi-weekly cleaning. Besides, you must keep the exact amount of moisture indoors to protect your floor from rot and stains. For that, an open window will work wonderfully. Also, a pedestal fan can dry your wet floor quickly.

7. Reoiling Process A Few Times In a Year or Refinishing Process at 5-10 Year Intervals with Suitable Maintenance Products

If your wooden floor is oil-finished in texture, you must try oil-based maintenance agents for your floor. So that process can quickly season the dull areas or worn-out spots. Also, applying this process, you will hardly need refurbishing. However, you need re-oiling a few times yearly. 

Varnished floor sometimes needs retouching in a year to maintain sheen. But, a total refinishing process takes place in 5-10 years, according to the evidence of footsteps. In addition, the costs of both processes depend on climatic change, area size, and application perplexity.

8. Use Thick Protective Soft Pad Below Furniture 

Using a protective and thick, soft pad under the furniture will save your floor from dents and scratches. Remember that you must change that pad yearly if it gets damaged. Also, it will be best to choose supple material rather than hard metals to protect the floor from any permanent damage.

Note: Know more about this topic, go through Gulvkanonen.


It would help if you kept in mind that a light-colored floor needs more maintenance. Light texture tends to accumulate stains and scratches faster than the second one. We hope our article with experts’ tips and proper maintenance will help you to keep your wooden floor shining over the centuries.

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