Digital Marketing

A Definitive Guide To Video Marketing For Businesses

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With YouTube being the second largest search engine and businesses using video marketing increasing every year, it’s about time businesses started taking advantage of this platform.

But with all the different types of videos you can create and the strategies you can employ, where do you even begin?. This definitive guide to video marketing will walk you through your options step-by-step to focus on what’s important—making great videos that get results!

Why Use Videos in Your Content Marketing?

According to Cisco, video content will make up 85% of all internet traffic by 2022. 

However, you don’t need statistics or research studies to tell you that visual content is on an upward trend. You only need a pulse and an open mind! The truth is simple: people love visuals! If your target audience has a heartbeat, they love watching videos. 

Benefits of Using Videos in Your Content Marketing

Video content is more engaging than text. It’s been proven that people retain 90% of what they see but only 10% of what they read. Videos are easy to share and embed across social networks, making them a great way to spread your message and connect with your customers.

For example, if you have an e-commerce site, videos can be used to demonstrate product features or how-to guides. If you sell services or teach classes, video can be used as a virtual consultation tool. You could even use it to promote events! 

What Makes Up a Good Video?

Well, that depends on your goals and industry. Some tips include:

• Keep it short (ideally under 2 minutes)

• Make sure there’s sound (even if there isn’t much dialogue)

• Use high-quality visuals

• Include captions so that non-native speakers can understand 

Types of Videos Businesses Can Include in Their Video Marketing Strategies

Understanding your business objectives and customer base will help you decide which type of video will work best for your needs. Here are some great examples that you can incorporate into your Video Marketing Strategies:

Brand Awareness Videos

Video is one of the best ways to improve your brand awareness because it provides information on who you are and what you do in a dynamic, engaging way. It helps create a personal connection with viewers and allows them to experience your business in an intimate way that encourages trust. 

Video Testimonials 

There’s an old saying: Show me, don’t tell me. People like to see things rather than just read about them or be told about them. So if you want your customers to trust you and feel more comfortable doing business with you, video testimonials are a good idea.

Instructional Videos

If you want to give users a step-by-step process of how to execute something, consider making an instructional video. You can do these as screencasts on YouTube or even GIFs. Keep them short (between 30 and 60 seconds) and include actionable items to make these effective.

Ensure that there’s clear value in your viewers performing each step of their watching so they have a specific reason to watch until completion.

Informational Product Videos

In addition to promotional videos, your business should also have informative product videos that show customers how to use your products. These are especially helpful if you’re selling something technical or niche.

You can also use a video creator free tool for internet users to create these videos for your business. For example, a video showing potential customers how to install a solar panel on their roof is likely more valuable than one showing people at a music festival dancing around with your sunglasses.

How to Use Videos in Your Content Marketing

Think about how you can incorporate video into your content marketing strategy. If you’re a service business, show people what services you offer. If you’re an e-commerce store, showcase your products in action or get recommendations from influencers. If you’re selling a product, explain why it is better than others on the market.

The possibilities are endless when using videos in your content marketing strategy! Just remember to make sure your videos look professional and that they add value to your audience.

For example, if you sell kitchen knives, don’t just film yourself chopping vegetables—get a celebrity chef or expert to share tips and tricks for handling knives easily.

Choosing The Right Topic for Your Videos

There is a wide range of topics you can cover in your videos—some will certainly be more popular than others. You may focus on a specific market, such as small business owners or women entrepreneurs. Still, you can also address various topics that appeal to your customers.

The goal is to make a video that people want to watch—don’t just assume what works for one company will work for yours. If there’s something you and your team have always wanted to know about, why not create a video about it? People love learning from experts, so why not take advantage of that?

Identify and Focus on Your Purpose of Posting a Video

When thinking about creating a video, ask yourself why you’re making it. Is it to inspire or motivate? To demonstrate something new? To share interesting facts or statistics? To answer specific questions your audience may have?

Whatever your goal is, be clear about why you’re posting that video and then use it as an outline when creating your script. The clearer you are on what you want your viewers to take away from watching your video, the more likely they will be engaged in what you have to say.

The Importance of Consistency When Posting Videos Online

When posting videos online, consistency is key. You must post regularly so your customers or followers get used to seeing new content from you regularly.

Posting at least once per week is what most businesses aim for in terms of consistency, but it depends on the amount of time you have and how creative your business is. So as long as you are consistent with posting online, stick with it! By doing so, you will see an increase in views over time.

You can also try using apps to schedule your posts, so they go out all at once every day instead of manually doing them each day.

Where To Post Your Videos Online

Once you’ve created your videos, upload them to YouTube. It is where most of your viewers will be, and it’s important to ensure that your videos are optimized for search—put relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions so that viewers can find them easily.

Next, post videos on other video sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Each video has its page with a title and brief description underneath.

The Bottom Line:

From corporate intros to explainer videos, video marketing can be incredibly useful for brands and businesses. Still, there are some common mistakes that many companies make when planning their video strategy. To help your business avoid the most common video marketing mistakes and achieve maximum ROI from your company’s efforts, we’ve put together the above guide to video marketing.

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