
Top 4 Reasons Your Team Should Have A Uniform Background

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The members of office-based or hybrid teams typically have opportunities to get to know each other and learn to work together. When you organize or lead a remote team, you should consider ways to build bonds between members that support collaboration. Customizing a uniform office background is one of the best strategies for creating visual unity and fostering mutual recognition between the members of a distributed team.

Looking Professional Anywhere

Providing every member of your team with a uniform background ensures that participants in calls and meetings look professional regardless of their real-world surroundings. A virtual background also eliminates the need for team members working from home to stage on-camera surroundings, freeing them up to be more productive.

Devices and video conferencing platforms that support virtual backgrounds give team members the option to use a uniform background anywhere at any time. Whether a member joins a meeting from a coffee shop or any other public location with internet access, an office background can provide a more professional presentation. For the best results, encourage team members to set up camera-enabled computers or devices in well-lit areas with minimal foot traffic.

Being Apart Of The Team

Remote teams that allow members to use their choice of backgrounds provide some benefits of virtual backgrounds but do not bring teams together. Some members can choose more or less professional-looking backgrounds and may not display a high-resolution logo image on a logo background.

A uniform background for teams creates visual cohesion between team members and gives external parties a clear sense of which participants are on the same team. A team coordinator or leader can design a uniform background for use in all meetings or provide new backgrounds from time to time.

Protecting the Privacy of Team Members

Virtual backgrounds obscure the real-world surroundings of team members, which can protect the privacy of each member and eliminate distractions in the background of members’ on-camera environments. Uniform backgrounds can also reduce potential risks posed by external parties on calls and in conferences.

When team members can choose their own backgrounds, this option can reveal their choice of services, platforms and design preferences. While this information may not be sensitive, it can distract other participants. A uniform background standardizes the on-camera presentation of every team member.

Using Branding To Reflect Relationships

Displaying a logo on virtual office branding can be a convenient way to identify the members of a team. While every employee of a business may use the same logo, including those who are not on a particular team, a logo can further enhance the visible connection between team members in meetings in which all participants are on the same team or conferences with teams and external parties.

A uniform background is an easy way to create visual connections between the members of remote teams. The right background will look professional and establish a sense of unity between collaborators. You can customize a virtual office background for your team with space to display a logo to deepen connections among team members and between teams and employers.

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