
How Animal Companions Can Improve Your Well-Being

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Animals bring immediate joy to our lives. There’s a reason there was an uptick in the adoption of pets as remote work became normalized.

While we love our pets unconditionally, we may forget the many physical and mental benefits of having them around.

This guide will explore how our lovable, furry companions contribute to our well-being.

Elevated Mood

Sometimes all it takes is undying love and affection to lift one’s spirits—and that’s precisely what animals can provide!

Dogs are especially wonderful for elevating moods because they offer unconditional love. The best dogs for anxiety will have a calming effect while reassuring you that no matter your emotional state, they have nothing but love to give.

Increased Physical Activity

A dog will improve your fitness levels. Many dog breeds are hyperactive and have a high appetite to play. Dogs require multiple walks per day of at least 15 to 30 minutes. Going outside for a brisk walk and playing a game of fetch can boost your stamina and cardiovascular health.

If you have a physical disability, service animals can help to keep you active. While you may be limited in movement, they can aid in various tasks like opening the doors and fetching objects. Their assistance allows you to remain active, improving physical health and mental health.

Reduced Stress

Companionship can go a long way to improving our mental well-being. Playing with your pet can boost dopamine and serotonin, two brain chemicals that make you feel good about yourself.

Additionally, it helps calm and relax any stress or worry. Your cortisol levels significantly decrease by petting, talking to, or stroking your pet for 15 to 30 minutes.

Finding Joy and Meaning in Life

Going through tough times isn’t easy. You can feel a sense of hopelessness and despair. Additionally, getting older also can cause people to lose their purpose. Retirees who’ve once found meaning in their careers may no longer have the same passion for life.

Caring for a pet can help boost morale, knowing you can do your best to ensure they live a happy life. Being in charge of raising an animal makes you feel wanted and needed, which shifts the focus away from any issues you’re facing. Some owners even use their pets to talk through their problems.

It also helps you stay connected. If you don’t have friends or family near you, pets are a great way to receive social connections. Dogs are great conversation starters, especially among other pet owners.

Wrapping It Up

Even if you can’t fully adopt a pet full-time, you can still receive the health benefits of being around animal companions.

You can dog-walk part-time, pet sit your neighbor’s cat, or even volunteer at a local animal shelter. There are many organizations all around the country that provide therapy dogs that visit shelters, hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.

While it’s hard to quantify the benefits of an animal, there’s no doubt that they can be incredibly advantageous, especially if you’re suffering from any mental health conditions and want the support of a furry companion.

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