
Funny quotes to enjoy the funny side of life

funny quotes for best friends

To enjoy the true meaning of life, you must be able to see the funny side of life, which keeps us going. There is so much humor in the world; it is just that you need to discover it. The difficulties and trouble in life keep on looming in one or other horizon as life can be sometimes nasty. In such a scenario, humor is what keeps us going apart from the hope and motivation that we have stored inside. Funny quotes give us the right words to celebrate the true meaning of friendship

Such a perspective will help you to bear unpleasant situations in life with positivity and will prevent you from giving up. There are a lot of funny quotes online to make us laugh. These can add happiness to our life. A good laugh prevents from getting meltdowns and fits. Laughing is considered to be healthy. Laughing also releases anxiety. People should choose laughter over any other exercise.

Laughing is one of the people’s favorite things to do. Everyone wants to laugh and feel fresh. We should read some funny quotes daily. This process is effective in releasing stress and stay happy. Laughing is fun. You should also smile real big when someone looks at you. We can read some funny stuff. We are supposed to laugh from time to time.

Funny quotes create funny moments and enjoy with friends

funny quotes for enjoying the activity

“Hope for the best but always be ready for the mess.”

“When life gives you chilies, make Maggi and enjoy it till you feel like crying.”

“Accept yourself before accepting a proposal from a weird guy because you are more annoying than any other person in this world.”

“Life is all about squirting; lemons in the eyes of those who gave them to you.”

“The employers are like a baby. They will scream and wake you up each hour of your tenure of work with them.”

“If you want to go to heaven, get good marks in Maths.”

“While going to a party, do not worry about your hairstyle because you can go without hair as well. There is no such restriction in any pub, bar or restaurant.”

“Do not become too passionate in the morning. Otherwise, too much pressure will lead to a stinky toilet.”

“Are you going through indigestion? If yes, you must be dealing with ugly truths.”

“If you cannot love yourself, you definitely cannot laugh your pee out.”

“Nothing sounds interesting when there is the only principle, but interest is missing.”

“When you feel like a big wind crossed your way, close your eyes and say sorry to God for all the sins you have ever committed.”

“You will never get paid because you have hands. They mean nothing if you do not use them. So, get up from the bread and brush your teeth daily.”

“Time does not wait for anyone. So does the tides. It gives you a clue to never walk by the beach.”

“Age is just like a number as the size of your waist.”

Funny quotes are a way to believe in the magic created by life

funny quotes show funny words

“The three magical words my friends usually told me are: What about lunch?.”

“If someone asks you are you free? Proudly reply that you are not free but expensive. They don’t have enough money to afford you.”

“You cannot prove your love by the number of gifts but definitely by your real emotions.”

“The birthday is a matter of every year, not a single year. But don’t starve, eat your food till then.”

“People are assholes. Never feel bad and eat their talks like a cupcake.”

“If yoga is to relief your mind and then coffee is a stress buster for your nerves. As nerves are reference map of your brain, drink coffee.”

“If you got hurt because someone doesn’t value you, just high five on their face; it is the best answer to them.”

“Enjoy as much as you can, but can you pee as much as you can?.”

“If you want to test your husband’s patience level, just let him sit at a place where there is a low internet connection.”

“If you want to enjoy life, then dare to eat coffee with an ice-cream. It’s hot or cold decide later.”

“You cannot afford to be my friend if you are not weird enough to roam around 3 am and sleep by 7 am. It is a funny man!.”

“They are suitable for nothing but neither you are! Feel proud.”

“Napping with your best friends gives more warmth than cuddling with your boyfriend.”

“You can afford to be stupid only with your best buddies. Everybody else is a time pass person.”

Funny quotes to lighten up your lovely life

funny quotes show best compliment

“Your face is dirty is the best compliment from a best friend.”

“Best friends are always ready to make fun of our girlfriends and boyfriends because they knew if they don’t, you will forget them.”

“If you laugh funnier than the joke uttered by your friend, you are a damn freaking friend.”

“The difference between friends and best friends is the size of your giggle. The harder it is, the deeper is your friendship.”

“If you are feeling bad during the night, call your best friend, he/she must be having the ability to make you feel worst.”

“It is ok to feel bad sometimes because it is just the first form of degree. Other two are in line to come your way.”

“Being average is an old saying. Be Savage.”

“Gravity is the answer to my stuff lying on the floor. Now go ahead.”

“When nothing works well, go unwell.”

“I run a lot. That’s why I often got ran out of money.”

“Never afraid of where you are going unless it is a graveyard.”

“Our heart beats for the one we love. For me, it is the food.”

“The best therapy in life is the laughter, only when you have teeth because old age demands physiotherapy, not laughter therapy.”

“The birthday is a matter of every year, not a single year. But don’t starve, eat your food till then.”

“Life is like understanding income tax where your focus on income makes tax complex.”

“Never expect a girl to get ready in two minutes because she is not Maggi.”

“Drinking more water is good for health but not for your washroom. Take care of non-living beings as well.”

Final Thoughts:

The beauty of humor lies in your ability to see your life in a positive light. As all of us are aware, sometimes a positive remark or little fun can make a change in our lives and has the strength to change people’s mood that belongs to you. Laughter is important because it tends to cheer people up. On a day when you feel low, this works well. A few minutes of laughter in a day is enough to lose three to four pounds of weight.

It’s beneficial to laugh as it improves our mood and relaxes us. It also makes us happy. It’s advisable to have a good laugh. Acting funny sometimes is one of the signs that a human being is enjoying life. This way, we can get rid of depression. Laughing helps in maintaining your youthful looks. So forget all your worries and laugh often.

The collection of the above quotes, which are full of funny essence, can make you feel like continuing and keep fighting for your dreams no matter how challenging the obstacles are! Show them that your vision is stronger than the hurdles that come your way. This planet has so much to give! One of them is Sarcasm. Grab it and enjoy it till the end of your life.

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